Because you are everything, and nothing less

Eye Am Everything - A deepdive into your completeness

Come with me on this transformational journey. To reconnect with all sides of yourself and align with unconditional love, in the safe space of sisterhood. Through a unique combination of individual guidance and powerful groupwork we'll harvest the fruits of the dive within, and celebrate life together.

88 Day Container

8 Deepdives

8th of February

The best of both worlds

After almost 10 years of working as a psychologist, teacher and trainer, and more importantly being a student of life myself, I have combined the best parts of my knowledge and (personal) experience in this magical journey, which I share with you from the heart. It is my passion to help people connect with their essence and each other. 


In multiple women's circles I have attended, I missed the continuity aspect. Usually, there is beautiful connection for a day or evening, but then the group splits again. leaving behind the potential for depth. On the other hand, during the individual sessions I provide, I often miss the support, recognition, inspiration and connection a group could give. 


That is why I decided to combine the best of both worlds in this transformational program. Experience the unique combination of individual guidance and powerful groupwork, to truly make the process your own and to find that you are never alone in it. 

The journey

  • Stepping into an 88-day container together, a timeframe of commitment to the process 
  • 8 deepdive sessions, of which:
    • 3 individual sessions
    • 5 magical group gatherings
  • A closing cacao ceremony 
  • Intimite group of women (4-8) blossoming, creating and connecting together
  • A guide packed with knowledge, inspiration, tools and experiments, to guide you on the way
  • Journey starts February 8th 
  • Loving investment in yourself: €888,- (also payable in installments)

The dive

Over the past years, I have come to realize that many women (myself included) encounter challenges in their lives surrounding five main topics. Therefore we will deepdive together into the following themes:


Eye Am Innocent

A dive into the development process from baby to adult. How do beliefs get formed? Why do we fall into certain behaviors or roles, versions of ourselves that may not always serve us anymore? You will get to know your own layers and parts. How to listen to their specific needs and how to look after them. Learning that you are innocent.


Eye Am Whole

A dive into your heart, and the moments it felt broken. What is the function of emotions, and physical pain? What can we learn from our experiences? You will learn to re-write stories to and about yourself. Learning that you are whole and that you were never broken.


Eye Am You

A dive into the interaction with others. Other people can be our triggers ánd our teachers. What we reject in others, we often also reject in ourselves. What do you reject most? What we struggle with can show us something about our needs. What are topics you struggle with in interaction with others? You will learn to communicate your boundaries and needs, and interact from a place of honesty, true vulnerability and strength. Learning that the other person is your mirror and that you and the other are one.


Eye Am Powerful

A dive into our true unique power. How does manifestation work? What do you want to show more of yourself to the world? You will learn to ground yourself and work on creating your desired life. You have a unique and very important place in this world, and you deserve to show yourself fully! Learning that you are powerful beyond measure. 


Eye Am Wild

A dive into our beautiful, luscious body's. What is your relationship with your body? And how to improve this most important relationship of your life? How can you follow the seasons of your cycle? What are wounds, barriers and stories around women’s sexuality? What are existing barriers around your sexuality? What parts want to express more? Learning that you are sensitive, passionate and wild, and that is nothing to be afraid of!

All to learn: that you are everything, and nothing lessA process of radical self-love


Profound content

Heart-healing ritual

Cacao ceremony

Meditation journeys


Do you feel like:

  • Taking the next step in your journey called life
  • Deepening your self-knowledge and reconnecting to the wisdom within
  • Deepdiving into your multidimensionality and femininity
  • Combining psychology and spirituality
  • Experiencing that you are the creator of your own life
  • Combining both individual guidance and powerful groupwork
  • Connecting with likeminded women in this process

Let's go!

The journey will start on Thursday evening February 8th with the first deepdive. Other deepdives will be on Wednesday evenings, spread out over the 88 day period. We will energetically end our 88 day container at the beautiful moment of liberation day, 5th of may. 


The gatherings will be live, in ENG or NL, depending on the group. Personal coaching sessions can be live or online, in NL or ENG based on your preference.


Limited spots available! E-mail now to secure yourself a spot or ask me any questions.

Follow me on Instagram for updates!